Sunday, 23 March 2008

Wild's FairyTale!

It was a perfect place for week-end vacations! Chirping of birds! Musical flow of river! Mild roars of wild, fee animals! The misty air and the sun plying hide and seek with unsuspecting clouds! It was nature at its best! Mysterious best! Nature’s best creation, through unplanned artistic endeavours makes one freeing his soul from the restraints of a mortal world...wild has mortal elements but their way of living borders on immortality..Here, the heavens declared the glory of God and infinite skies were proclaiming the work of his hands. Day after day, night after night they poured forth blessings and purity...

This jungle was no different...

The wild's co-habitants living lives in their own way...few roamed was privilege of those who possessed power and who never relied upon their heart's calling! The meek trying to co-exist in their own unassuming way! In the dark corners of trees and virgin lands!

Small creatures were always afraid of scavengers and opportunists. One of them was a white dove. Chirpy, innocent and beautiful! Its feathers reflected the purity of its soul. Lost in the maze of its self-created world, it went about its task of living life. A dove's life! Dove had a happy feel about its existence. Waking up, going on with life, scanning the trees, branches, leaves for its living! Its nest was decorated with whatever can be called the need of the hour. A small space, perfectly fitting to its tiny size, nest did not have a base or a roof..! Few sideways doors, where it could sneak from as and when desired.

The dove's perfect life style lacked just one thing...wings! Its wings were not fully blossomed...not that, dove was not aware of it, but quietly reconciled to this hard fact, it often wondered how would it feel to fly? With no barriers, no restraints! Few drops would just fall down in those moments, but dove always managed to gather herself! I should not complain about the things which I don’t have! I am chained to my reality...and I still assume reality to be beautiful...

The wild was full of fascinating of them was an eagle! Young, beautiful and with inborn gift of ability to fly high an dry! The eagles have a royal thing about of the most wonderful sight is an eagle flying high with wings wide if earth and sky merge together in its kingdom..It has a lazy appeal about it...the way it flies gives an impression of how confident it is of its abilities...but essentially its a predator...who keeps loking for its prey...and when its hungry...and hunts down,it looks even more beautiful..Calm,serence but ready to snatch away its meal. It’s kind of gory in a soft way...

One of those predatory hunt made it notice the dove...for once, eagle was mesmerized with dove's beauty but then the rule of wild says, if you hesitate even for a moment, you will die the head rules the was about to grasp dove in its powerful jaw but some other easier meat distracted it...

Both had a different world...different perception of its existence...and both were happy...
Soon enough, eagle was on hunt again...his sharp memory reminded him of dove...lets colour this evening with soft, sweet meat of that beautiful dove...he hunts her..And soon finds her. Dove was resting in her nest...humming songs of belongingness...her face was radiant...unaware of what was going to befall upon her...she was lost...she was nourishing her half developed wings...sometimes, praying and some other times cursing God for them...yet optimistic enough..Eagle on his part, waited long enough...he could have given her a painless death but he kept watching...he had a smile on his face when he saw her singing and seemed as if she was painting her own canvass ..With some mix colours...every colour was faded...vague...but she was happy using them...he waited long and she kept mesmerising him...he was hungry yet what he was witnessing was a rarity for him.

He had never ever witnessed a tiny creature's even tinier world! He knew nothing about song and dance but his mind said, its probably a way to celebrate feel good about your many times, he extended his jaw but stopped himself..

Suddenly, dove tunred...everything stopped...for a moment she looked fearful...and then everything changed...she stared at his was brimming with curiosity...and wonders, why aint she afraid..? Isn’t she supposed to fear? Beg for mercy? Both kept staring at one another!

Something nudged eagle from inside...a voice...a this time I dispose of those petty tyrants? One on the throne of sky...flying away to unknown horizons...and one inside me! Her delicious meat may satisfy my hunger but is that the only way out?

Whereas dove's nerves were stable now...the initial fear of death was gone...he doesnt want to kill me otherwise he would have killed me? Why is he waiting? But sooner her thoughts, moved to his royal presence! He is big, powerful, belongs to a royal breed! His aura is invincible...and look at his beautiful..!

She touched his wings...and felt as if she was touching divine...eagle stood incredulously...wondering how he should react. For him everything seemed other species had ever touched his wings..He was also not familiar with someone's touch. It felt good. But felt soothing but...out of world phenomenon...should I bite the hand which is touching me or should i just watch her next step...

Dove was in delirium feeling his wings with her complete flesh...this cant be real...I knew, I was missing something beautiful but I never knew this was so beauiful...she was experiencing a complete transcendental occult..

Eagle’s blood started rushing. His each and every vein was aching...the mind was hungry, the heart was experiencing the never before felt sensations...

he was trying to give words to what he was feeling but no other word crossed his mind except beauty...sure, there are many other words but somehow, I am not able to allow them to reach my subconscious because they seem to be lost in its sheer beauty as well...eagle touched was an innocent touch...

And she felt protected...and cared like never before...he touched again...and she immersed her being in his strong arms...she had her eyes closed..He had his eyes fixed on her face and feeling wonderful. Reincarnated...

It went on for hours...nothing else mattered...the world had stopped...two contrasting souls finding impossible in each other's embrace...
Dove whispered,
“Just hold on to my loneliness....I don’t want to move...
Did I ever need anything? Did I ever ask for anything?
I did not…I won’t...just be by my side...and swear on the eternity that you will always love me..!”

The dream continued...they met next day...and the next day...and then next week...she was no more fearful of unknown...he was no longer feeling a strength with hollowness at its fulcrum...he was feeling complete..Giving...caring...nurturing...feeding...

And the dove. Started don’t know what...but she started...her half wings were no longer making her feel incomplete...she ran to him every time...and nature witnessed something phenomenal...then they started to fly...she looked at her abode and said..Goodbye...she had become what they were together...unison of souls...she learned how to fly even with those wings...

And then one fine day. He put his shivering lips on her's...
Something happened...
Did clouds roared? Did heart stop beating?
Yes, noone knows what happened..!

He was lying down...his stunned face turning dark...from the corners of his mouth, few blood drops started dripping...he was losing consciousness...

What was that?

"Were those lips poisoned? Yes..
Or am I hallucinating about my impending death? What’s happening?
Am I going backward, in a different time zone?
Slowly rewinding things of future!
Or am I trapped inside my memory?
Was I betrayed? Or did my mind betray me?
Or something else is unravelling slowly...
Am I being haunted by my own heart?
Or did I try to breathe in an artless life?”

Dove stood calmly..! Same peace with herself..!A faint smile...

.. Few flutters...and a crow emerged from the bush...singing and dancing in his ugly way...
Dove smiled...crow laughed back..!
They hugged each other..!

"I love you my princess!"

"I love you too my king crow!"

Dove thought to herself...

"It’s a beautiful lie...I had to survive...the nature of wild follows no hearts...
Moreso, it just demanded an act! Survival of the smartest...! After all he was an eagle. A predator essentially…...
It’s a perfect denial...though I was true to myself...i did what I had to...and crow is not a bad choice...
He is just ugly but in bargain, I also get a life long slave!
And love? Yes...I loved his wings...I will have them in his memory…
My dear crow, would you please cut those large wings of that predator who was trying to snatch away your beloved and gift me? "

Crow thought to himself...
I know I am ugly...where else can I get such beautiful partner?
I know I will stand by her...forever...!

Eagle was about to die...wondering how it panned out...

He whispered...

"You should know how I feel. you pulled me back to an unknown territory and then...just pushed me be alone the rest of my life...but keep flying my love...I wonder, whether you can look at my tears or hear my muted cries...I wish you could come closer...but don’t come closer even If you suppressed heart says it..You have done enough...
Sweetheart, is this the life you lead or I could not see a life that led for you!
Perhaps the universe is designed to break one's heart...
But all I will say is...please smile while I bleed...
It’s just your smile that I need...
Smile while I die...but never ever ask me why!!
After all it was a beautiful lie to believe in..."

Dove never heard those whispers...

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